Emelia Essumanba- Josiah’s Portfolio

This section details my works from developed press releases, reports, newsletters, featured articles (online and print), infographics, program and events communications branding, video, documentary and voice- over production, facilitation & MC moderations over the years among others.

1. Amma Lartey Honored with 2024 Krutham Award for outstanding contribution to Africa’s impact investment ecosystem

2. Ghana Impact Summit Secures Commitments for Sustainable Growth from Local Financing Ecosystem

3. https://impactinvestinggh.org/uncategorized/the-risa-fund-a-project-of-the-uk-international-development-supports-the-scaling-of-research-innovation-financing-in-ghana-and-nigeria-with-over-us1m/

4. Inaugural West Africa Deal Summit generates commitments to deploy Catalytic Capital to close SME financing gap

5. Deal Source Africa platform launched to bridge the 331$bn funding gap for African businesses

6. GVCA and IIGh launch baseline research report on Venture Capital and Private Equity in Ghana

7. http://sarpongs.blogspot.com/2017/02/service-personnel-agitated-about-non.html

8. ESO Collaborative launches an online platform to provide businesses in Ghana with easy access to support programs to grow their businesses.

9. Savannah Impact Advisory appointed Fund Manager of USD$ 75 million Ci-Gaba Fund of Funds to unlock local pension funding for SGBs.

Partnership stories…

  1. Amma Gyampo Appointed as a New Board Member of Impact Investing Ghana
  2. Impact Investing Ghana joins 2X Global to advance gender equality in the region
  3. IIGH and BII partner to increase capacity of fund managers and transaction advisors in Ghana
  4. The RISA Fund, a project of the UK International Development supports the Scaling of Research & Innovation Financing in Ghana and Nigeria with over US$1m https://impactinvestinggh.org/uncategorized/the-risa-fund-a-project-of-the-uk-international-development-supports-the-scaling-of-research-innovation-financing-in-ghana-and-nigeria-with-over-us1m/
  5. Impact Investing Ghana receives grant from RISA Fund to increase research and innovation financing
  6. Africa Impact Investing Group Launches to Drive Capital for Prosperity, Inclusion, and Measurable Impact across Africa

My Featured articles..

  1. Why firms need a Gender-Based Violence and Harassment policy in 2024 and a talk on Gender Lens Investing. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-firms-need-gender-based-violence-harassment-2024-emelia-vezkf/

Some from featured articles in Print Media..

The research team worked on this high- level industry report in Ghana which provides an in-depth analysis on the role Venture Capital and Private Equity investments have played in fostering economic growth, promoting gender equality, and driving social outcomes since 2004 in Ghana. I supported in proof – reading and worked on communication design and dissemination events and publicity of the report.
In partnership with the United Nations in Ghana, my organisation developed a compendium providing detailed insights into the ecosystem’s various components, such as capital suppliers, financial intermediaries, market builders, capital demand, government and policy institutions, and government agencies. I led in design development and dissemination strategy for the report to key stakeholders.

3. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Isaac-Biney/publication/359266929_Greenhill_Journal-Dr_Biney/links/6231fade4ba65b2481352e6b/Greenhill-Journal-Dr-Biney.pdf

4. I am currently finalising Impact Investing Ghana’s 2023 Annual Report.

I was contracted by SWIFTLY Global to brand profile their organisation in a short documentary. I developed the concept and script, worked on locations and testimonials. I also voice- acted in this documentary.
I led in the concept development and production of the International Women’s Day 2024 roundtable discussion organisation Impact Investing Ghana joined the global community in celebrating IWD 2024 on “Inclusion and Investing In Women: Seeing Through the Lens of Impact Investing”. In 5 thrilling episodes,  Six (6) women leaders in Ghana’s impact investing ecosystem sit together sharing stories on inclusion, barriers they faced, associated gaps, and a lot more in the Ghanaian and African ecosystem.

Here are the episodes of the IWD 2024 on “Inclusion and Investing In Women: Seeing Through the Lens of Impact Investing”.

Episode 1: What does inclusivity mean to you?

Episode 2: Investing In Women: The Gaps

Episode 3: Breaking Barriers: The intersection of impact investing

Episode 4: Unlocking Capital and the Soft Dynamics

Episode 5: Finale

Moderated the Gender Smart Investing workshop organized by the British International Investment, Impact Investing Ghana and Ghana Venture Capital Association in Accra.            

Moderated the Ghana Research and Industry Collaborative event at the British Council in Accra in Nov 2023.

I was part of a panel that spoke on “Inclusive Design in Digital Media: Crafting for All Audiences” at the Ghana Digital Innovation Week” in November 2023.

Moderating the Gender Lens Investing in Ghana session with the World University Service, Canada (WUSC) in Accra.

Moderating the 1st Ghana Climate Finance Collaborative event in Accra organised by the German Development Cooperation. 

Mceeing at the launch of “TechTown KofTown” digital innovation initiative by Foundation Botnar.

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